Paving stones and terracotta and concrete slabs have a high demand due to their good resistance. They are often used on the following exterior surfaces:
These are surfaces with a filtration capacity. In other words, rainwater flows through the surface into the subsoil. In this way the environment is protected and the surface has an efficient drainage. However, this usually has a disadvantage. Microorganisms can grow on porous surfaces. Water accumulates in the pores and building material contains minerals that offer good conditions for the growth of mosses, algae, lichens, etc.
Due to its powerful industrial diamond bristles, deepEX® PowerBrush eliminates green growth in depth. Additionally, it is available in various grits, depending on the porosity of the surface. deepEX® PowerBrush is fully compatible with trowel machines and floor buffers.
DUALTREAT®PAVING IMPREGNATOR is an impregnation for clean outdoor surfaces. It protects in a sustainable way from rain, frost, snow, green growth, etc. Water absorption is reduced by more than 95% on a treated surface. Moisture will no longer be able to penetrate into paving stones, minimizing green growth.
+ Minimizes green growth
+ Removes difficult stains
+ Available in various grits
+ Reduces oil + grease stains
+ Minimizes salt efflorescence
Recommended for: Hard surfaces - extreme dirt
Asphalted Surfaces
Exterior Parkings
Concrete Slabs
Paving Stones
Recommended for: Hard surfaces - frequent cleaning
Paving Stones
Production Plants
Concrete Slabs
Petrol Stations
Recommended for: Hard surfaces - frequent cleaning
Terrace Slabs
Terracotta Slabs
Imprinted Concrete
Surfaces with Joints
Recommended for: Soft + painted surfaces - frequent cleaning
Epoxy Floors
Mosaic Floors
Linoleum Floors
Polyurethane Floors
Other painted floors